Saturday, June 28, 2008

Well we have finished day four of five days here at Space camp. I can't believe it is almost over. I have meet people from all over the USA and also from Mexico and Britain. It has been a wonderful experience and I can't begin to think about how it is going to change my teaching. The program they have set up here in Huntsville is truly remarkable and I thank Honeywell for sponsoring almost 300 teachers.

I'm going to try and attach some pics.

One is my team Inspiration after we did our first mission simulation.

Another one is me with Homer Hickam. Find out about this true gentleman and believer in education at

Another is me in a mock up of the International Space Station (ISS)during our simulation

The last one is a group of us with our bottle rocket!!!! It flew straight and true and was called "The Silver Bullet"

They will be sending us home with 2 cds and 4 dvds. Everytime we ask if we can have a copy of something...they say "it's on the CD."

I hope to encourage other teachers to apply for this great program and attend next year.

Take care and will see you all soon

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